NMC CBT for Overseas Nurses Preparation Courses
Nurses and midwives trained outside the European Economic Area who are seeking UK registration must pass the NMC test of competence. It assesses the essential professional knowledge, skills and attitudes required for safe and effective nursing or midwifery practice in the UK. This test consists of two parts.
Part 1 is a computer-based test (CBT)
The CBT is multiple choice and can be taken at a Pearson VUE test centre available in most countries around the world.
Part 2 is a nursing or midwifery objective structured clinical examination (OSCE)
a practical nursing or midwifery examination. The OSCE can only be sat after successfully passing the CBT and is only available in the UK at a designated test centre.
Nursing in the UK is organised around specific and distinct professional fields of practice. Individuals are usually registered in a single specialist field and have undertaken three years of pre-registration education and training in their specific field. These fields are:
- Adult nursing
- Children’s nursing
- Learning disabilities nursing
- Mental health nursing.
Each of these fields is specifically tested by a distinct CBT and candidates will only sit the CBT for the professional field of practice in which they are seeking UK registration.
The nursing CBT is made up of 120 multiple choice questions:
- 50 questions will relate to generic nursing competencies found in each domain of nursing.
- 50 questions will be the application of generic nursing competencies to the specific field of nursing being applied for, for example, as applied to the adult, child, person with a learning disability or person with a mental health problem.
- 20 questions will focus solely on the specific competencies required for the field of nursing being applied for.
The midwifery CBT is made up of 120 questions:
- 60 questions will focus on general theoretical and technical instruction for midwives.
- 60 questions will assess subjects specific to the activities of midwives.
The time limit for these CBTs is four hours and this includes any breaks from testing, which are optional.
Our preparation courses for the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) Test of Competence Part 1 exam are delivered by the professional tutors who are actively engaged in Health and Social Care sector in the UK.
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