Dr Waheed Mughal

Dr Waheed Mughal

Head of Academic Services


MA (Economics)
MSc (International Money, Finance and Investment)
PhD (Social and Policy Studies)

Other Academic Courses

Certificate in Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies- Harvard Business
School, Harvard University. (September 2021).

Professional Certification

SFHEA (Senior Fellow of Higher Education Academy- now called Advanced HE), R

Teaching Training

– Certificate in Postgraduate Teaching and Supporting Learning (2011),
Durham University, UK

– PTLLS Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector (Level 3 & 4). Adult

Training Network, London. (2011).

Professional Membership

– British Academy of Management (BAM) – BAM is the leading authority on the
academic field of management in the UK, supporting and representing the
community of scholars and engaging with international peers.
– Social Policy Association (SPA) – The professional association for lecturers,
researchers, and students of social policy in the UK and internationally.

Research Interests

– Small businesses, innovation and entrepreneurship
– SMEs leadership and management development
– SMEs digital footprints and their ethical implications
– Social policy/education – focusing on school dropouts and out of school

Academic Publications

Mughal, A.W. (2020). Secondary school students who drop out of school in rural

Pakistan: The Perspectives of Fathers. Journal of Education Research, 62:2, 199-215


– Mughal, A.W, Aldridge, J. and Monaghan, M. (2019). Perspectives of dropped-

out children on their dropping out from public secondary schools in rural

Pakistan. International Journal of Educational Development, 66, 52-61.


– Mughal, A. W., & Aldridge, J. (2017). Head Teachers’ Perspectives on School

Drop-Out in Secondary Schools in Rural Punjab, Pakistan. Educational

Studies, 53(4), 359-376. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00131946.2017.1307196

– Mughal, A. W. (2015). Investigating the Impact of the Tier 4 Policy on

International Students at Private Colleges in the UK. Journal of International

Students, 6(1), 241-261.


Dr Waheed Mughal has more than ten years of experience of teaching Business

related subjects and engaging with home and international students in the UK higher

education sector. He provides high-quality learning and support to prepare students

for study in higher education particularly those who benefited least from their previous

educational experiences. He has developed a deep understanding of the culturally

embedded learning needs of the diverse students and the learners from a background

of relative educational disadvantage. He taught at two affiliated campuses of London

Metropolitan University in London for four years. Recently, he worked at Brunel

University London as a Research Fellow with the principal investigators on the project

titled SMEs digital footprints and their ethical implications during the Covid-19

outbreak and beyond. This project is funded by the UK Research and Innovation

(UKRI). He also taught Issues and Controversies in International Business Project to

UG students, supervised dissertations and marked postgraduate assignments at the

Brunel Business School.

Partner Universities for Progression from ATHE Level 3 Diploma to Bachelor's Degrees